Friday, October 8, 2010

Meet Dash

He is a 10 pound bundle of love and joy.  Dash is agile, fast and really really smart.  We rescued him two years ago from a puppy mill where he spent the first 8 months of his life in a cage.  They told us he is a Chihuahua/Papillon mix but we think he must have some Rat Terrier or Min Pin in him because his legs are so long.  What do you think?

The last picture above is from a sailing trip. Dash is adventurous. He is great on the boat and of course he wears a life jacket whenever he is on deck.  Here are a couple more pictures from that trip.

A couple of years ago we had three snow storms in a row in December which is quite unusual for our neck of the woods.  By the end of the third storm, most humans in our city were sick and tired of slogging around, if you could even get through the unplowed streets.  Dash, on the other hand, loved it. Check out this video.

Sometimes we seem to forget Dash is a dog but he always finds a way to remind us.  In this picture he is snuggled up in our closet in some dirty laundry at the bottom.

Dash is a traveling dog.  He loves it at our place in Southern California.  Every morning we meet up with other  dogs and their humans in the neighborhood park for some play time and conversation. Check it out.

Dash is headed back down to Southern California in a few days.  I'll update this blog along the way with his adventures.  Until then, all for now from Dash land.

1 comment:

  1. Squirrel!!!! Dash is very cool and a very polite houseguest. Looking forward to hearing more about his adventures.
