Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Super Dash for Halloween

My friend Olivia is 9 years old and I've known her since the day she was born. When Olivia was a baby she really bonded with Maxine,  her family's basset hound.  We called Olivia "the dog whisperer" because one of her first spoken words was "woof".  Until she learned more words Olivia used "woof" to say hello, goodbye and to express her contentment in general. It was so sweet and made my heart melt when Olivia would look at me, smile and say "woof". I felt so honored.

Olivia still loves dogs. She lives a few blocks away and drops in on us with her sister for a visit every so often. I think she comes to visit Dash more than me, but whatever gets her there is great. I'll drop what I'm doing and we'll go across the street and play in the park with Dash.  Olivia loves to pet Dash and give him treats.  Dash loves Olivia too.

Just before we left for Southern California, Olivia and her sister came by on their bikes for a visit and to say goodbye.  We were happy to see them as always, but I didn't have time to play so we just sat around the living room talking for a few minutes and the girls petted Dash.

Out of the blue Olivia asked "what is Dash going to be for Halloween?" Well, I have to say the topic had never entered my mind and I was stumped. So I asked her what she thought Dash should be and Olivia replied, without a moment's hesitation ..... "Superman".  So Olivia - thanks for the inspiration and this one's for you.

Here is Superman Dash with the X-Ray eyes.

This side view shows off his cape and belt.

Here is a good look at the cape. Also, notice how his tail is on the right side?

Dash and I went trick or treating to our friends house. They loved his costume and had great treats for the both of us.  After we snapped a few pictures I took Dash's costume off and I think he was relieved.  I'm kind of on the fence about dogs in costumes - the humans think it's cute but the dogs don't always look so happy. But since Olivia suggested it I decided to give it a try. 

We spent a lovely evening with our friends and their dogs Sunny and Jack.  At the end of the night Dash was worn out. Me too.

That is the latest from Dash Land.

1 comment:

  1. Dash,
    I'm so glad I got to meet you and Margaret today.
    You are so handsome. I'd love to tell my Daughter where you came from. I think her dog Gracie would love a sister that looked like you. I'll give you her blog address so you can see Gracie. Hope to see you again, maybe next fall.
